Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Random babble

April 22

I know I missed last week, but it is ok, America, I'm back!  To make up my lack of post last week, I'm going to try and make this a longer one.  No promises.  Most days I have the attention span of a Rory and if you know what that means it about...oh wait is that a bird?  Anyways, the past week was extremely busy.  For one, I moved into my new apartment.  3 bedroom, 2 bath place; lots of space for Rory and me and visitors *cough,Starkville peeps,cough*  Most of the stuff I manged to moved in by myself.  I mean I know I'm super awesome and all but I'm not Superman so I had some great guys help me move the bigger stuff.  Extremely thankful for Bruce and David.  Now that I have this new place, it kind of makes me feel like starting over.  If you know me, you know I love HGTV.  Unfortunately, I have no sense of style or how to make my apartment more homey.  So as of right now, it's pretty much looking like a bachelor pad but you know clean.  Maybe part of it is I don't want to make decisions without Ryan but I think the biggest part is I have no idea where to begin.  I mean I'm on pinterest all the time (thanks Kristin) but I just can't make the jump.  Oh well,  maybe one day I'll nail something down.  Until then I have a couch and a tv so I'm set.  In the past week, I also got in a fender bender its ok the Element held strong...the other guy may need a new bumper.  You know those random quizzes on Buzzfeed that seem to spam your facebook wall?  Well for whatever reason I have been taking a lot of those mainly due to extreme boredom.  What have I learned?  Well, for one thing I am apparently am very hippie-ish.  Which is kind of random, if you know how I feel about justice and honor.  For one thing, I hold honor very high.  Honor to oneselves, honor to your family, etc.  I hold someone at their word, because "a man is only as good as his word."  So I guess the only thing that really makes me a hippie is my love for the outdoors and the freedom associated with it.  I love just laying down in the grass, feeling the sun on my face and I love standing on top of a mountain and gazing out for miles and just seeing the sun peak out over the valley.  I know this post doesn't really have a lot of substance, but maybe you'll get a little more insight into me.  I'm a law-loving hippie with a short attention span and maybe that's all I need to be for the moment.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Packing and junk

April 8th

I'm going to be up front with you guys this is going to be a rather short post.  I'm in the process of packing all my crap since I'll be moving into my new apartment on Friday.  We are talking about an upgrade! 3 bedroom apartment.  (Hint: This means I have a spare bedroom for people who want to come visit.....you know who you are!)  I'm so over packing/moving in general.  I have pretty much moved every year since graduating high school.  I'm most def ready to settle down a bit, which means waiting for Ryan to wrap up school before that happens.  Super excited about T.J. coming up here; going to whip him into shape.  Another workout buddy! Other than that, I have a new found love with board games.  Betrayal at the House on the Hill is so much fun, so going to be making some more board game purchases in the future.  Other than that, get outside, live life, and enjoy the little things.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


April 2

I know what you are wondering what is the theme for this month.  Truth is I haven't really thought about one.  Sure I could do something like "it's spring and stuff, let's go outside" but I already do that.  I mean going running with my dog after work (I use the term running very VERY loosely) and workout at the gym.  Maybe this month won't have a theme, maybe it will just be a "wing it" month.  New in the life of Chelsea Nazaretian:

1. Finally changed my name to Chelsea Nazaretian (such a hassle, still trying to get everything switched over)
2. Burpee Challenge started - Shout out to Megan (Bobble) Anderson on this one
3. Redoing couch to 5k training

And I guess that's pretty much it.  Except this past weekend Kristin and I went to comic con where we "met" Matt Smith, my 11th doctor.  Never been to a comic con before so it was most def a new experience.  I loved walking around all the booths, looking at the cosplays, and most importantly being surrounded by my fellow nerds and not being the nerdiest of the all.  I'm going to have to go to another one.  It's looking like I may get my stalker on in ATL, since Nathan Fillion will be there plus some awesome characters from the Walking Dead.  I guess another goal of this month, is to do more hikes.  There are several trails around Huntsville I have yet to explore.  Zip-lining and kayaking are on up there on my list as well.  I love being outdoors.  I guess it's kind of hard to describe, but when I'm hiking or running it's just extremely freeing.  It's just me and in a sense its very calming.  I push myself and explore new places and just to be released from the stresses of the week.  So get out and enjoy the warmer weather.  Try something new and find someone to enjoy the journey with.