Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jan. 21

Honestly, it's kind of amazing I'm still keeping this going.  Normally, I start something and it tends to fizzle but I actually enjoy getting to write down my thoughts instead of bottling everything up until it explodes.  It's kind of strange that I hide most emotions, except for anger.  Maybe it's just because I don't want to be perceived as weak and I want to handle everything myself but it just has destructive consequences.  Being married now I guess that is one thing I really need to work on.  Sharing not only my highs with Ryan, but also my lows.  Talking to him always makes me feel better despite the situation and it's like sharing the burdens and triumphs makes me, well us, stronger.  Maybe it's just me but I want to be better, to be more than I am.  And I want to be better for him as well.

I didn't think I would start this week off on such a serious note, but hey I can be serious every now and then.  Well, I guess that really depends on who you ask.  I'm not sure about everyone else but I absolutely love being outdoors.  So one of my goals is to become for active outdoors, enjoying God's creation and really just exploring new locations and testing my limits.  This past weekend, we were blessed with the most beautiful, amazing weather imaginable.  Sunny, chilly but not to the point of misery.  Saturday, Rory and I went to the dog park where he found a lovely mud puddle to dive into.  Good thing he is cute.  Sunday, we went on a epic walk around Research Park.  Monday was the best day.  Rory and I woke up early and hiked the Rainbow Mountain Trail together.  For those of you who don't know Rainbow Mountain is pretty steep in some parts but has some great views.  I have hiked it several times and Rory has been on it once before with Ryan and me.  He did not do well the first time.  He dragged us downhill and we had to pull him uphill.  This time, however, he was amazing.  He slowed down when I asked and got excited when he made it over a "difficult" part of the trail.  I think he just enjoyed us together and being outside.  We had the whole trail to ourselves and it was an amazing.  Below are some pictures of our hike together.  It was freezing half of the time but as we got moving it was all good.

To the left is a view of the Valley towards the beginning of the trail.  Originally, I want to catch this view with the sunrise but Rory actually let me sleep in till 7 that day.  Also, I'm directionally challenged so I'm not too sure how nice the view would've been.

I have to say that one of the best things that came out of this year was adopting Rory.  He brightens my day and when I'm feeling down he is always there to give me kisses and snuggle.  I've always heard that your dog kind of picks up some of your personality traits and I think Rory had gotten some of mine.  See list below:

-All talk, no bite.
-Hesitant of meeting new people
-General awesomeness ( I mean really look at us ----->)

We are quite a pair. Plus check out how that headband brings out my eyes....I know pretty sweet.  Rory looks good too.  One thing is for sure...we both have awesome hair. I mean this picture doesn't show it but check out my facebook.  My hair is BOSS.

I wish Ryan would've been with us.  Another day; another adventure.  Go outside, enjoy life, and find someone to enjoy it with.

1 comment:

  1. General awesomeness is part of being a Mosser, and the amazing hair, you can't forget the hair! Love you and keep it up!
