Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm been steadily working on weight loss and general health and fitness.  What I wanted to share this week, at least starting off, is how much of that goal has been accomplished.  I started my weight loss journey about a year ago, so consider this a progress report.  My original goal was of course to lose weight for my wedding (mainly because I wanted to Ryan's jaw to drop) but then as I progressed, it became more and more of a lifestyle change.  I have always struggled with my weight; pretty much for as long as I can remember.  There was a time where I could barely look at myself in the mirror because I was just so ashamed.  Then of course I would eat more since I felt so miserable.  Weight loss will always be my cross to bear and some days I stumble, but that's ok.  I have a lot more to live for now and the weight loss is in a lot of ways for Ryan, and our future children, because I want to be there for them and this was something I could do to show them how much I love them, but most of all this is for me.  To make  me feel better about myself.  Sorry for the long ramble, and maybe it just doesn't make sense to you.  To all the people out there struggling, it gets easier.  Set realistic goals, have someone to keep you accountable, and most importantly decide who you are doing this for and the rest will fall into place.  Just to give everyone and idea here are some progress photos over the last year:


So, after a year I have lost over 60 pounds and 3 pants sizes.  It's been a long journey and has been a lot of hard work, but worth every second of it.

Now, that I'm over the update I've made a few new goals this week.  The first being to get my CCNA for work (even though they technically set that goal for me, but I was going to do it anyways).  And after this past weekend, I set a goal to be a better communicator.  Which is kind of ironic considering what I do for a living.  Communicating technical stuff isn't the same as relay emotions, especially to the one's I care about most.  I screw up all the time and I'm only human, but I want to be a better me and that's what this year is about.

PS: Hilary totes forced me to play dress up for a suitable picture for weight loss progress.  After 30 minutes of being "Chelsea Barbie" we settled on picture you see above.  But of course, we had to do another picture.  Basically, last week I was like "I should totes get some workout gear" so I bought some under armor shirts.  Of course when I got home and tried them on, I looked way too "bro" so as I special treat here's the bro shirt.  (Needless, to say I looking pretty freaking awesome in it and it brings out my eyes, but whatever I'm not trying to pick anyone up at the gym...well unless it was Gerard Butler...)

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