Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January: Goal Setting

Jan. 7
So I decided this year for my New Years Resolution, I'm going to do something a little different.  Maybe not different in the sense of completely and totally original but something completely different for me.  Officially, my resolutions are to "enjoy the little things" and to be more "open"  not just in regards to trying new things but opening up to other people. And that is kind of what this is.  Me being open to people.

Now, not many know but writing has always been something I have done just to get my emotions out.  *Disclaimer* throughout this process there will stream of sentences that will not make sense to anyone just my inner ramblings. This year not only am I going to be documenting the year through these journal entries, but also I'll be turning my focus each month to something different.  I've decided that the month of January will be spent on goal setting, seems pretty fitting.  So in the interest of goals, one of my major goals for the next year is in the area of weight loss and health.  On top of everything else, I have began a 30 day ab/squat challenge for this month. See the challenges below:


I will post end results once the challenges are complete.  It seems a little cliche that weight-loss is one of my goals but it has been a goal of mine for awhile and the past year, I've finally started taking steps in right direction.  First goal is by June to drop 2 sizes or 30 pounds.  Now, that you have a general idea of where I'm going with this I'm going to try and post weekly.  Hats off to the new year, new hopes, new dreams, and a new life.


1 comment:

  1. I love this! It makes me feel like you are home with me and I am not suffering this empty nest stuff! I really admire your dedication and hard work in all you do!
