Wednesday, February 19, 2014's more than saying Sorry

Feb. 19

I know, I know I'm late at posting.  Believe me when I say it was for the best.  I wasn't in the best of moods yesterday and I'm afraid that this blog would have been extremely bitter.  But no worries, my dear audience, today I'm in a slightly better mood.  Sometimes, life is just extremely frustrating and you just want to scream at the top of your lungs or in my case a combination of yelling and punching.  Anyways, the day is over and the past is in the past, right?  I know I'm guilty of this myself but we can claim the past is in the past and talk about how we are going to do better and how this time will be different...  Words.  That's all it is.  Words without action are meaningless.  You can make all the claims in the world and never put the action behind it.  The same is true of forgiveness.  You can say how much you forgive someone and still hold a grudge about the wrong they did to you.  The thing about love is that its not just words, its action.  This is especially true of forgiveness.  I constantly struggle with forgiveness and letting go of the past.  Some things still haunt me and every now and then they like to creep up and poke at my mind and make me doubt myself.  My thoughts on forgiveness is that they stem from love.  You have to love the person enough to let go of the past and love them enough to go beyond words to truly forgive.

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