Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February - Stupid Cupid

Feb. 5

Everything in this world revolves around love in some way or another.  Love is in the air and with Valentine's Day right around the corner and the aisles stuffed with stupid bears who love you "beary much," an endless supply of chocolate, and crappy chalk heart candies one would only guess that I'm focusing this month on love.  Love comes in many shapes and forms.  Some people spend their lives chasing love and others simply spend it running away from it.  Am I a love expert? Heck no. I just thought I would talk about love and not just love of significant other, but love of yourself and others.  That's always the hard part, right? Waking up each day and choosing to love someone.  My belief on love is falling in love is the easy part, but the journey and choosing to continue to love and to allow yourself to be loved is the hard part.  Little bit of a different perspective huh?  Love is hard work and the movies and books make it seem so simple.  Love is so much more than they make it out to be.  It's not just this butterflies in your stomach crap, it's a sacrifice and a sacrifice I'm willing to make.  You give up part of yourself and become something more.  Does it hurt? Heck yeah.  There is pain, loneliness, confusion but out of all of throughout the journey there is so much more: hope, life, joy, peace.  You just got to be willing to make the jump.

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