March 4
Another month, another decision. What should I focus on this month? I have been thinking about it for awhile and I did decide on a theme. Not only is the month about basketball, Mardi Gras and Lent, but its also about music. I think music has always been a big part of my life. Growing up I was exposed to all kinds of music. In my dad's car it was always country (at least until Dad discover his man-crush Neo) and in my mom's car it was always a combination of classic rock and Christian music. Beyond that, mom was always playing the piano. I think my fondest memory is my mom playing, while my dad sang with her. It's pretty amazing how music can bring us together, whether it be in a time of mourning or a time of triumph. Music is not limited and is free in interpenetration. So this month, I want to get back to music. I miss playing my trumpet and I miss all the feelings that I experienced while playing music. I want to pick up the cheap guitar I bought forever ago and learn how to play it. This month I'll be getting back to music. Please say a prayer for my neighbors; it's going to be a rough ride.
Yeah!!!!! Choose a particular song you want to learn and start with that! It will be way more fun!