Friday, June 27, 2014

(insert witty title here)

Wow, it has been awhile.  I know.  I have been doing terrible with keeping up with these blog posts, but no worries I'm still alive and still writing just not as frequently.  I'll try and get back in the swing of things but the last few weeks have been crazy.  So since my last post, my brother is now living with me and let me tell you being responsible for a kid (getting all the appointments in order, cooking for a picky eater, and the other stuff) is super hard.  Totally not ready to be a for real parent, most def.  I also was able to take some time off and spend time with Ryan for our anniversary.  It really is crazy that we have been married a year now; doesn't really feel like it.  I would be lying if I said everything was rainbows and butterflies all the time, but despite whatever life has thrown at us we have been able to overcome it together.  There is no one else I'd rather be by my side.  Ryan, you are my world and I love you.  We spent our anniversary kayaking together and sharing a lovely (cheap) dinner together because that is how we roll.  Also, had my mother-in-law and sister-in-law come up and visit.  I was super excited to see everyone and have a full house, but now I'm enjoying the quite.  Tj is at the lake house and Rory and I get to spend the rest of the evening watching food network and reading.

Since that is a recap of the last few weeks, I guess now I can figure out what I would like to do for the next month.  What should I focus on?  When I sat down and thought about doing this, I made a rough plan of what I would write about each month.  Obviously, I have diverged from that plan.  Things change and people change.  There is always something new to learn and something new to experience.  Only you can be the one to decide whether it is worse the risk or not.  I guess other the last few days, I have learned a lot about how people perceive me.  Normally, I generally considered myself crass, extremely blunt, and generally kind of a jerk.  I like to tell it as it is and I'm not afraid to call you out on your actions.  But maybe there is a little bit more to me.  I'm not exactly encouraging or kind, but every now and then I do have moments of wisdom and apparently I have some awesome charisma.  I've never really been one to be in the spot light, if anything I rather be behind the scenes.  The thing about being in the spot light is that everyone is watching you and analyzing everything you do.  After being a pastor's child for years that is the very last place I would want to be.  The thing about people watching you though is sometimes they see something in you that you never see yourself.  They see what you could be and what you are.  Everything is out in the opening and there you are exposed.  Why is everyone so fearful of themselves?  Are they scared they wont be accepted or can they just not except themselves.  I am many things.  Loud, arrogant, demanding, but I am also generous, patient (well most days and except in traffic), and enthusiastic.  No, I'm not perfect but I am me.  And I never want to be anyone else.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June, June, June................endless rain and it's not chocolate.

Wow, a lot of stuff has been going on.  My brother, TJ, is coming to live with my starting this weekend.  Kind of crazy that I'll be a guardian and stuff.  So basically, I'll be like these guys:

In case you are super lame, this is from Guardians of the Galaxy.  I like to think I'm that awesome, mainly because I am.  It's going to be awesome having my brother around.  Someone to go kayaking with me and hiking and just tearing up Huntsville.  Too bad he's not going to like me very much for long.  Planning on starting him with a workout regiment and healthy eating as soon as he gets here.  Yay for early morning workouts!  Anyways, other than that I've almost been married a whole year.  Weird, right?  I know what you are thinking, Ryan put up with you that long?  And the answer is yes! Well I guess not technically since our anniversary is on Sunday.  Although, we have been apart most of the year and we still have another year to go, I'm really thankful I have Ryan in my life regardless of how much it is.  I miss him and can't wait to spend the next few days with him since I'm taking some vacation time.  Hopefully, if it ever stops raining, we will be able to go hiking and kayaking together.  We will see.  Anyways, get outside, enjoy the little things and find someone to enjoy them with.  Peace.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Yes, I know I haven't posted in a while.  Truthfully, I have had the time but didn't really know what I wanted to say.  I'm pretty sure by now you grow weary of my "OMG outdoors mentality"  Can't help it.  I'm a bit of a hippie at heart.  I love being outside with the sun on my skin wandering by boat or land.  I guess its the explorer in me. Anyways, this past week was pretty special, my parents had their 27th wedding anniversary.  I know what you are thinking: Dang, they are old.  You wouldn't be exactly wrong, but hey at least they still look good.  All joking aside, I am so amazed by them and their unyielding commitment to each other.  A lot of people can't stay married more than a few months (looking at you Kim Kardashian), but somehow they have managed to stay together.  They are vastly different.  My dad is like fire ready to go in guns blazing, while my mom is more peaceful like a river.  Despite all of their differences, they have never stopped loving and sacrificing for each other.  They are a huge inspiration to me and what I consider my model for marriage.  Thanks mom and dad for your example and unyielding love for one another and us.  I love you.

In other news,this past weekend was awesome.  First, it was a long weekend (yay, no work).  Second, I got to spend a vast majority of the weekend you guesses it outside.  Saturday I got to spend some time with my family out at my aunt's lake house.  Other than just general relaxing,  my aunt and I went kayaking around the lake together.  It was pretty great, especially since I don't get to see her as much.  Sunday, Rory and I went and played in the creek together near our house.  He loves the water, but only if his feet can still touch the ground.  We will need to work on that.  Monday(memorial day) was quite possibly the best day ever!  

Rory and I woke up early (we are pretty much up early everyday) and went for a hike together on Rainbow mountain.  It was really nice since it was just us exploring the trails.  Plus we got to watch the sunrise over the Valley.  The only negative was that since no one else had been there yet, I literally walked into every spider web on the trail....they are like ninjas.  Later that day, I got to go kayaking with Donnie.  We had to share a tandem kayak but it was really fun and relaxing.  And we got free shirts!  Overall, everything has been pretty great.  After college, I'm finally getting to do the things I enjoy doing without being stressed out.  I think that's the greatest thing about the real world, finding out what you are passionate about.  For me, it will always be the outdoors.  So get outside and enjoy the little things.

P.S.  If anyone would like to donate to the "Chelsea needs a kayak fund," please let me know.  I accept checks, cash, and money orders.  Peace.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Outdoors and More

This past week has been pretty great; the weekend especially.  Kat was able to come up and hang out this weekend.  Plus got to see some amazing friends as well when we went kayaking on the Flint River.  To say I have the kayaking bug is an extreme understatement.  As many as you know I have been wanting a kayak for awhile and after this weekend I have been doing more research and price gauging.  Sadly, it may be a little while before I can afford the kayak.  If anyone is willing to donate to the "Chelsea Kayak Fund", please make all checks payable to Chelsea Nazareitan.

On top of the kayaking trip this weekend, I was go to journey to Guntersville with Rory while we dropped Kat off.  We enjoy a jog around the lake as well as playing the water.  Needless to say, Rory was confused at first about the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks.  He enjoyed playing in the water like a typical lab.  The more and more I think about it I am so thankful for Rory.  Not only to have somebody to go on adventures with but someone to keep me sane.  Being at the apartment by myself would drive me bananas.  Which is why when the weather is decent, Rory and I are outside hiking, swimming, or walking around research park. 

To complete my awesome outdoorsy week, Rory and I hiked Rainbow mountain together.  Sure, I had to carry him a little and believe me carry an extra 60 pounds up the mountain is on easy task.  He did pretty well.  A bit more work and he will be ready for a greater distance.  If you haven't guessed I love the outdoors and all the freedom and peace that comes with it.

This next week, Kristin has talked me into working out in the morning.  We will see how long this lasts.  Anyways, get outside, find something you love, and enjoy the little things.  Peace.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


It never ceases to amaze me how many people read this blog and get onto me for not posting (sure, it's mostly family).  Anyways, to everyone who continues to actively read my ramblings thank you.  It didn't feel right posting last week.  It has been a rough couple of weeks for the Nazaretian family.  Dealing with loss is never easy and if more so if it someone close to you.  I never know what I could possibly say to ease the pain and maybe there isn't anything I can do except be there.  I'm not exactly a good comforter.  From the limited time, I knew MeeMaw, Betty Nazaretian, I knew how much she was cherished by her family.  She was a beloved grandmother, mother, spouse, and friend and her influence touched many people's lives.  No matter if we lose something they continue to affect our everyday lives based on the legacy they leave behind and I know that MeeMaw left behind an enormous legacy.  I think about Ryan and his kindness, love, and passion for his work and I can see her in him.  She was such an inspiration to him and a constant encouragement throughout his life.  While she will be missed, she will continue to live on in our hearts and memories.

 I remember Clinton always saying in youth group, on your tombstone you have a beginning and an ending date, but there is dash in between.  How would you want to live your life?  It seems to be a constant question:  Who am I?  What do I want to be?  Honestly, sometimes I feel like I don't even know myself; I'm just me.  Maybe this is what I will focus on this month: me.  Where have I been and where am I going?  I'm not going to figure it out overnight, but maybe this month I'm going to focus on being a better me (although am I pretty awesome already).  In other news, this week had some very exciting things happening.  Bruce and Hilary Groves welecomed a beautiful baby girl, Lily, into the world.  I got to keep Zoey while Hilary was in labor and man let me know you that was rough.  When you have to talk to customers all day and you have a 3 year old wanting you to play with her, it can be tough to be productive.  I also got to hold, Lily, and let me tell you I was super nervous; she was just so tiny.

Kind of creepy that one day, I'll have kids....I'm going to let you contemplate that.  They may be slightly destructive but hey at least they will look good :)  Anyways, starting next week Couch to 5K training begins again and I talked Kristin into doing it with me.  We will see how long we last...Get outside, enjoy life and remember live each day to the fullest.  Enjoy the little things.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Random babble

April 22

I know I missed last week, but it is ok, America, I'm back!  To make up my lack of post last week, I'm going to try and make this a longer one.  No promises.  Most days I have the attention span of a Rory and if you know what that means it about...oh wait is that a bird?  Anyways, the past week was extremely busy.  For one, I moved into my new apartment.  3 bedroom, 2 bath place; lots of space for Rory and me and visitors *cough,Starkville peeps,cough*  Most of the stuff I manged to moved in by myself.  I mean I know I'm super awesome and all but I'm not Superman so I had some great guys help me move the bigger stuff.  Extremely thankful for Bruce and David.  Now that I have this new place, it kind of makes me feel like starting over.  If you know me, you know I love HGTV.  Unfortunately, I have no sense of style or how to make my apartment more homey.  So as of right now, it's pretty much looking like a bachelor pad but you know clean.  Maybe part of it is I don't want to make decisions without Ryan but I think the biggest part is I have no idea where to begin.  I mean I'm on pinterest all the time (thanks Kristin) but I just can't make the jump.  Oh well,  maybe one day I'll nail something down.  Until then I have a couch and a tv so I'm set.  In the past week, I also got in a fender bender its ok the Element held strong...the other guy may need a new bumper.  You know those random quizzes on Buzzfeed that seem to spam your facebook wall?  Well for whatever reason I have been taking a lot of those mainly due to extreme boredom.  What have I learned?  Well, for one thing I am apparently am very hippie-ish.  Which is kind of random, if you know how I feel about justice and honor.  For one thing, I hold honor very high.  Honor to oneselves, honor to your family, etc.  I hold someone at their word, because "a man is only as good as his word."  So I guess the only thing that really makes me a hippie is my love for the outdoors and the freedom associated with it.  I love just laying down in the grass, feeling the sun on my face and I love standing on top of a mountain and gazing out for miles and just seeing the sun peak out over the valley.  I know this post doesn't really have a lot of substance, but maybe you'll get a little more insight into me.  I'm a law-loving hippie with a short attention span and maybe that's all I need to be for the moment.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Packing and junk

April 8th

I'm going to be up front with you guys this is going to be a rather short post.  I'm in the process of packing all my crap since I'll be moving into my new apartment on Friday.  We are talking about an upgrade! 3 bedroom apartment.  (Hint: This means I have a spare bedroom for people who want to come know who you are!)  I'm so over packing/moving in general.  I have pretty much moved every year since graduating high school.  I'm most def ready to settle down a bit, which means waiting for Ryan to wrap up school before that happens.  Super excited about T.J. coming up here; going to whip him into shape.  Another workout buddy! Other than that, I have a new found love with board games.  Betrayal at the House on the Hill is so much fun, so going to be making some more board game purchases in the future.  Other than that, get outside, live life, and enjoy the little things.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


April 2

I know what you are wondering what is the theme for this month.  Truth is I haven't really thought about one.  Sure I could do something like "it's spring and stuff, let's go outside" but I already do that.  I mean going running with my dog after work (I use the term running very VERY loosely) and workout at the gym.  Maybe this month won't have a theme, maybe it will just be a "wing it" month.  New in the life of Chelsea Nazaretian:

1. Finally changed my name to Chelsea Nazaretian (such a hassle, still trying to get everything switched over)
2. Burpee Challenge started - Shout out to Megan (Bobble) Anderson on this one
3. Redoing couch to 5k training

And I guess that's pretty much it.  Except this past weekend Kristin and I went to comic con where we "met" Matt Smith, my 11th doctor.  Never been to a comic con before so it was most def a new experience.  I loved walking around all the booths, looking at the cosplays, and most importantly being surrounded by my fellow nerds and not being the nerdiest of the all.  I'm going to have to go to another one.  It's looking like I may get my stalker on in ATL, since Nathan Fillion will be there plus some awesome characters from the Walking Dead.  I guess another goal of this month, is to do more hikes.  There are several trails around Huntsville I have yet to explore.  Zip-lining and kayaking are on up there on my list as well.  I love being outdoors.  I guess it's kind of hard to describe, but when I'm hiking or running it's just extremely freeing.  It's just me and in a sense its very calming.  I push myself and explore new places and just to be released from the stresses of the week.  So get out and enjoy the warmer weather.  Try something new and find someone to enjoy the journey with.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

For Suzanne

This week has quite possibly been one of the hardest ones I have had to endure.  This week, I have had to say goodbye for the last time to one of the greatest women I have ever known.  She was like a second mother to me, always full of encouragement, advice, and laughter.  She fought and endured and was a perfect example of what a Godly woman should be.  She was always willing to sit and down and listen to every thing you had to say and offer up encouragement.  But rather than focus on loss, I want to celebrate life.  So this post, I decided to share some of my favorite memories of Suzanne Higgs and celebrate her life.

Pretty much since I can remember, Suzanne was always the devious one with always trying to play matchmaker.  Granted most of the time she knew who I had my eye on at the time, but she was always trying to set me up with one of the boys from church.  Let's see there was John, Joe, and Michael that she encouraged me towards, most likely within the same week.  She was always one to give relationship advice and you could always approach her with whatever probley you happened to have.

Suzanne constantly planned parties, whether it be for Halloween, Christmas, or even a celebration of her own creation the mother-daughter banquet.  Every year, up until I moved away, I would help her in all her prep work along side Amanda and Chelsea.  Amanda and I would have music playing and were constantly belting Broadway songs at the top of our lungs and Suzanne would just laugh at our antics and dramatic flair.  She would also gives us hints on how to flirt with the servers.  (I'm telling you always playing matchmaker!)

I think quite possibly one of my favorite memories is when we would go out on "Chicklets" outings (basically the GA's group).  Suzanne setup anywhere to photo scavenger hunts to dares that had to be preformed in public places.  Her scavenger hunts always had the goofiest pictures we had to take.  I think the funniest one we had to do was "Take a picture with a hot guy".  Of course she was in my group and I got talked into walking up to a "hot guy" and ask him if he would take his picture with us.  If anything it helped me get over my shyness, cause I was in it to win it!  As for the dares in public places....I think we were in high school where we randomly had to draw a piece of paper out a hat which held our dare.  They were always hilarious like acting like a small child in the children's section, or standing in front of some awkward books and bust out into song  .

There are so many memories I have of Suzanne I can't even begin to express them all.  If there was any one thing she taught me, was to live each day to the fullest and have a day filled with love and laughter.  And that's exactly how she lived her life; making each and every moment count.  We said goodbye to an amazing woman today, but heaven gained a magnificent angel.  Suzanne, I love you and will miss you.  Save me a seat in the altos section; I'll be seeing you again.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


March 18

As you know been working on my music.  Haven't bought the silent mute yet, but we did have some unexpected expenses came up.  I plan on getting the mute within the next week because buzzing in the mouthpiece freaks Rory out (let's me honest pretty much everything does).  Plus, if you haven't seen the awesome videos of my and Zoey that Hilary posted, you need to.  They are totes adorbes (for Kat she is all about totes). In other news, Ryan had spring break this past week and while he spent most of it in Ohio for EcoCar, he still managed to drive to Huntsville to visit me.  Of course because MS/AL roads are ghetto, he hit a huge pothole and damaged his wheel bearing. So the positive is he got to stay an extra day with me, the negative is the $500 expense for the car.  This weekend has been better than I would've imagined.  It's funny that this is pretty much the longest time we have got to spend with each other since our honeymoon.  I loved having him here and getting to spend time together watching movies, cooking together, and house hunting.  We are still working together with where do we want to go next.  Whether or not to start looking for houses or renew my apartment lease for another year till Ryan gets up here.  Decisions, decisions.  Well, whatever the outcome I'm thankful I have Ryan with me every step of the way.  I loved having him here, even though I had a Lisa Mosser freak out when he left his dirty clothes on the floor.  He's goofy, frustrating, but most of all he is mine.  I love you, Ryan.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12

Many of you know that Lent has been going down and I had to sacrifice my most treasured beverage, coffee.  Trust me when I say it has been rough.  I'm not the only one who gave some stuff up.  Kristin gave up sweets (she is much stronger than I) and Eric aka Airbear had to give up eating out except for once a week.  Apparently, you have to threaten not to speak to him in order for him to eat better.  Needless to say he has been doing an amazing job and I'm super proud of him.  I mean going from eating out 1-2 times a day to one a week is a huge downgrade.  I'm just hoping he sees all of the positives of this change.  (Happy Eric? There's your shout out!) So as I mentioned in my last post, I plan on picking up my trumpet again and getting back into playing it.  Sadly, I have the misfortune of living in an apartment with a skittish dog and neighbors so I haven't been able to play my horn as of yet.  Next pay period I'll be ordering a silent mute system so while I'm still sucking at playing I won't be disturbing anyone.  So for the time being I'm rocking it out high school style by buzzing on my mouthpiece.  Is it bad I've been keeping it in my pocket again?  I mean I have to sit in traffic so I might as well practice, right?  I did manage to give my horn a bath this weekend and clean it out.  It wasn't nearly as funky fresh as I thought it would be.  Looks good doesn't it?  Also, need to get a tuner because don't want to be sounding too much like a train wreck.

Super Sexy Trumpet
Anyways, I've been thinking about music in my day to day life.  I mean I talk on the phone all day so I mean sooner or later I'm going to be put on hold.  And you know what that means...hold music.  Most of the time hold music is about as annoying as elevator music.  You have all different kinds like Brahms (maybe the plan is for you to fall asleep so they don't have to talk to you), or the awful informational messages with a peppy beat in the background.  Every now and then, I get to call someone with awesome hold music.  The best one yet was "Inspiration" by Chicago.  Of course seeing as this was the only time I got good hold music, I was just jamming out in my office singing the words when my boss walks by.  Typical.  I guess what I'm getting at is there is music, everywhere and maybe if people just slowed down a bit and listened the world would be a much cooler place.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March Madness!!!!

March 4

Another month, another decision.  What should I focus on this month?  I have been thinking about it for awhile and I did decide on a theme.  Not only is the month about basketball, Mardi Gras and Lent, but its also about music.  I think music has always been a big part of my life.  Growing up I was exposed to all kinds of music.  In my dad's car it was always country (at least until Dad discover his man-crush Neo) and in my mom's car it was always a combination of classic rock and Christian music.  Beyond that, mom was always playing the piano.  I think my fondest memory is my mom playing, while my dad sang with her.  It's pretty amazing how music can bring us together, whether it be in a time of mourning or a time of triumph.  Music is not limited and is free in interpenetration.  So this month, I want to get back to music.  I miss playing my trumpet and I miss all the feelings that I experienced while playing music.  I want to pick up the cheap guitar I bought forever ago and learn how to play it.  This month I'll be getting back to music.  Please say a prayer for my neighbors; it's going to be a rough ride.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Feb. 25

I wanted to take the time to speak a little about how love has shaped and inspired me.  We all have people in our lives that we aspire to be like and I have been truly blessed to have some amazing people in my life.  My family has always been a huge part of my life and although they are insane (If you have ever sat around a table with us, you would understand) there has always been a huge out pouring of love and support.  My parents have never been shy with expressing their feelings for each other and honestly its still super gross.  They are such a huge inspiration to me not only about showing love, but learning to compromise, and that love is a sacrifice.  They spend a lot of time separated with my dad traveling and all but when they are with each other they make every moment count.  Being separated from Ryan is extremely difficult and some days are worse than others, but when we are together I want to make it count and live each day loving him.  Without their example, I wouldn't know how to love and to be loved.  I can't even to begin to express my thanks for all the sacrifices they made for me and my siblings.  Anything from coaching a sports team, sitting through extremely long band concerts (especially when we sucked at our instruments), and taking time off work to go to a camp with us, they have always been willing to support us no matter what we do.  So I just wanted to take the time to thank my parents for everything they do for me.  I love you guys.

P.S.  I know I'm your favorite child.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014's more than saying Sorry

Feb. 19

I know, I know I'm late at posting.  Believe me when I say it was for the best.  I wasn't in the best of moods yesterday and I'm afraid that this blog would have been extremely bitter.  But no worries, my dear audience, today I'm in a slightly better mood.  Sometimes, life is just extremely frustrating and you just want to scream at the top of your lungs or in my case a combination of yelling and punching.  Anyways, the day is over and the past is in the past, right?  I know I'm guilty of this myself but we can claim the past is in the past and talk about how we are going to do better and how this time will be different...  Words.  That's all it is.  Words without action are meaningless.  You can make all the claims in the world and never put the action behind it.  The same is true of forgiveness.  You can say how much you forgive someone and still hold a grudge about the wrong they did to you.  The thing about love is that its not just words, its action.  This is especially true of forgiveness.  I constantly struggle with forgiveness and letting go of the past.  Some things still haunt me and every now and then they like to creep up and poke at my mind and make me doubt myself.  My thoughts on forgiveness is that they stem from love.  You have to love the person enough to let go of the past and love them enough to go beyond words to truly forgive.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Feb. 11

Love. What can I say about love.  Valentine's day is coming up (better get your sweetheart something special) and people are just going insane.  Booking reservations and trying to make the night perfect is way too much work.  Maybe you are like me and are planning a shopping excursion for the day after to stock up on all the half-priced candy.  It's strange how hyped up people get over such a lame holiday (any holiday you don't get the day off is not a holiday in my opinion).  I think with all the rushing around and preparations people seem to overlook how just being together without all of the flair is so much more important.  This past weekend, I got to go back to Starkville and visit Ryan.  I would be a liar if I said the distance wasn't effecting both of us, but somehow when we are able to be together everything just falls into place.  It's always difficult to try and make the time we get together count since it seems like our imminent departure looms overhead.  I'm trying to enjoy the little things and sometimes that just includes trips to the hospital in the early morning, or walking around talking about nothing, or a heart-to-heart in the middle of a restaurant.  Sometimes, I just get overwhelmed with everything and neglect to enjoy every moment.  I am in love with my husband and each day we are apart my love for him only grows.  I don't know what I did to be so blessed, but I am so thankful for Ryan and everything he is.  Because without him, I'm not my whole self.  I love you, Ryan.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February - Stupid Cupid

Feb. 5

Everything in this world revolves around love in some way or another.  Love is in the air and with Valentine's Day right around the corner and the aisles stuffed with stupid bears who love you "beary much," an endless supply of chocolate, and crappy chalk heart candies one would only guess that I'm focusing this month on love.  Love comes in many shapes and forms.  Some people spend their lives chasing love and others simply spend it running away from it.  Am I a love expert? Heck no. I just thought I would talk about love and not just love of significant other, but love of yourself and others.  That's always the hard part, right? Waking up each day and choosing to love someone.  My belief on love is falling in love is the easy part, but the journey and choosing to continue to love and to allow yourself to be loved is the hard part.  Little bit of a different perspective huh?  Love is hard work and the movies and books make it seem so simple.  Love is so much more than they make it out to be.  It's not just this butterflies in your stomach crap, it's a sacrifice and a sacrifice I'm willing to make.  You give up part of yourself and become something more.  Does it hurt? Heck yeah.  There is pain, loneliness, confusion but out of all of throughout the journey there is so much more: hope, life, joy, peace.  You just got to be willing to make the jump.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Jan. 28 Wrapping the month up.

Jan. 28

I haven't given much thought into exactly what I wanted to post about today.  It seems as if most of my posts have been related to fitness and health and honestly I don't want to be the person that all they talk about is their workout.  Maybe all the "bros" in the gym are just misunderstood.  You know, like they are just passionate about the progress they made.  Maybe they used to be the "fat kid" in school and they want to tell everyone about how they turned their life around.  That is what I feel like.  I've worked really hard for the last year trying to turn over a new leaf.  Am I where I want to be?  Not quite.  I still need to work on eating better and right now the obstacle to overcome is more about me not wanting to get stuck eating the same things for days every time I cook.  Not to mention most of the time I'm by myself in evening.  It would be so easy to just stop by somewhere and pick something up on my way home and sometimes I give in, a constant struggle I have to endure.

If you have been keeping up with this blog, then you know I started a 30 day ab/squat challenge.  I only have two days left in the challenge and let me say I can most definitely see the results.  My upper abs feel tighter (the stupid lower abs/baby pouch still have a long way to go) and if I flex my outer thighs feel like a rock.  So yeah I'm pretty pumped about it!  Anyways, I wasn't alone in the challenge.  Thankfully I had my friend, Kristin, suffering through it with me and keeping me motivated throughout the month.  We plan on starting a new workout after the next two days.  We are going to add cardio back in as well as keep up the abs/squats but drop the numbers down a bit.  I mean I am NOT doing 200+ squats each day.  I'm pretty sure my body would fight me and I would just collapse.  My inferior (left) knee is already complaining to me.  Sorry you have to read through all of this workout crap, but it really has become a major part of my life.

Now a preview for the next month:  I have no idea what the mess I'm going to do.  We will just have to see how things pan out.  Wish me luck.  And remember enjoy life and find someone to enjoy it with.  Peace.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jan. 21

Honestly, it's kind of amazing I'm still keeping this going.  Normally, I start something and it tends to fizzle but I actually enjoy getting to write down my thoughts instead of bottling everything up until it explodes.  It's kind of strange that I hide most emotions, except for anger.  Maybe it's just because I don't want to be perceived as weak and I want to handle everything myself but it just has destructive consequences.  Being married now I guess that is one thing I really need to work on.  Sharing not only my highs with Ryan, but also my lows.  Talking to him always makes me feel better despite the situation and it's like sharing the burdens and triumphs makes me, well us, stronger.  Maybe it's just me but I want to be better, to be more than I am.  And I want to be better for him as well.

I didn't think I would start this week off on such a serious note, but hey I can be serious every now and then.  Well, I guess that really depends on who you ask.  I'm not sure about everyone else but I absolutely love being outdoors.  So one of my goals is to become for active outdoors, enjoying God's creation and really just exploring new locations and testing my limits.  This past weekend, we were blessed with the most beautiful, amazing weather imaginable.  Sunny, chilly but not to the point of misery.  Saturday, Rory and I went to the dog park where he found a lovely mud puddle to dive into.  Good thing he is cute.  Sunday, we went on a epic walk around Research Park.  Monday was the best day.  Rory and I woke up early and hiked the Rainbow Mountain Trail together.  For those of you who don't know Rainbow Mountain is pretty steep in some parts but has some great views.  I have hiked it several times and Rory has been on it once before with Ryan and me.  He did not do well the first time.  He dragged us downhill and we had to pull him uphill.  This time, however, he was amazing.  He slowed down when I asked and got excited when he made it over a "difficult" part of the trail.  I think he just enjoyed us together and being outside.  We had the whole trail to ourselves and it was an amazing.  Below are some pictures of our hike together.  It was freezing half of the time but as we got moving it was all good.

To the left is a view of the Valley towards the beginning of the trail.  Originally, I want to catch this view with the sunrise but Rory actually let me sleep in till 7 that day.  Also, I'm directionally challenged so I'm not too sure how nice the view would've been.

I have to say that one of the best things that came out of this year was adopting Rory.  He brightens my day and when I'm feeling down he is always there to give me kisses and snuggle.  I've always heard that your dog kind of picks up some of your personality traits and I think Rory had gotten some of mine.  See list below:

-All talk, no bite.
-Hesitant of meeting new people
-General awesomeness ( I mean really look at us ----->)

We are quite a pair. Plus check out how that headband brings out my eyes....I know pretty sweet.  Rory looks good too.  One thing is for sure...we both have awesome hair. I mean this picture doesn't show it but check out my facebook.  My hair is BOSS.

I wish Ryan would've been with us.  Another day; another adventure.  Go outside, enjoy life, and find someone to enjoy it with.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm been steadily working on weight loss and general health and fitness.  What I wanted to share this week, at least starting off, is how much of that goal has been accomplished.  I started my weight loss journey about a year ago, so consider this a progress report.  My original goal was of course to lose weight for my wedding (mainly because I wanted to Ryan's jaw to drop) but then as I progressed, it became more and more of a lifestyle change.  I have always struggled with my weight; pretty much for as long as I can remember.  There was a time where I could barely look at myself in the mirror because I was just so ashamed.  Then of course I would eat more since I felt so miserable.  Weight loss will always be my cross to bear and some days I stumble, but that's ok.  I have a lot more to live for now and the weight loss is in a lot of ways for Ryan, and our future children, because I want to be there for them and this was something I could do to show them how much I love them, but most of all this is for me.  To make  me feel better about myself.  Sorry for the long ramble, and maybe it just doesn't make sense to you.  To all the people out there struggling, it gets easier.  Set realistic goals, have someone to keep you accountable, and most importantly decide who you are doing this for and the rest will fall into place.  Just to give everyone and idea here are some progress photos over the last year:


So, after a year I have lost over 60 pounds and 3 pants sizes.  It's been a long journey and has been a lot of hard work, but worth every second of it.

Now, that I'm over the update I've made a few new goals this week.  The first being to get my CCNA for work (even though they technically set that goal for me, but I was going to do it anyways).  And after this past weekend, I set a goal to be a better communicator.  Which is kind of ironic considering what I do for a living.  Communicating technical stuff isn't the same as relay emotions, especially to the one's I care about most.  I screw up all the time and I'm only human, but I want to be a better me and that's what this year is about.

PS: Hilary totes forced me to play dress up for a suitable picture for weight loss progress.  After 30 minutes of being "Chelsea Barbie" we settled on picture you see above.  But of course, we had to do another picture.  Basically, last week I was like "I should totes get some workout gear" so I bought some under armor shirts.  Of course when I got home and tried them on, I looked way too "bro" so as I special treat here's the bro shirt.  (Needless, to say I looking pretty freaking awesome in it and it brings out my eyes, but whatever I'm not trying to pick anyone up at the gym...well unless it was Gerard Butler...)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January: Goal Setting

Jan. 7
So I decided this year for my New Years Resolution, I'm going to do something a little different.  Maybe not different in the sense of completely and totally original but something completely different for me.  Officially, my resolutions are to "enjoy the little things" and to be more "open"  not just in regards to trying new things but opening up to other people. And that is kind of what this is.  Me being open to people.

Now, not many know but writing has always been something I have done just to get my emotions out.  *Disclaimer* throughout this process there will stream of sentences that will not make sense to anyone just my inner ramblings. This year not only am I going to be documenting the year through these journal entries, but also I'll be turning my focus each month to something different.  I've decided that the month of January will be spent on goal setting, seems pretty fitting.  So in the interest of goals, one of my major goals for the next year is in the area of weight loss and health.  On top of everything else, I have began a 30 day ab/squat challenge for this month. See the challenges below:


I will post end results once the challenges are complete.  It seems a little cliche that weight-loss is one of my goals but it has been a goal of mine for awhile and the past year, I've finally started taking steps in right direction.  First goal is by June to drop 2 sizes or 30 pounds.  Now, that you have a general idea of where I'm going with this I'm going to try and post weekly.  Hats off to the new year, new hopes, new dreams, and a new life.
